Standardised Anhydrous Milk Fat
We offer a complete range of butter specialities with 99.8% milkfat, each one adapted for your specific applications.
Our Standardised AMFs are characterised by their natural taste and year-round constant quality. They are exclusively developed for the food industry and very popular with bakeries and dairy producers. Our AMFs fit every imaginable industrial application and feature a fixed melting point.
Consistency guaranteed
Our Standardised AMFs are characterised by their natural taste and year-round consistent quality. They are exclusively developed for the food industry and very popular with bakeries and dairy producers. Our AMFs fit every imaginable industrial application and feature a fixed melting point.

The optimum solution for your application
Through years of developing and enhancing our fractionation skills, we are able to control the melting point of our Standardised Anhydrous Milk Fats, and offer solutions with a high, medium and low melting point. Select the optimum ingredient to set your end products apart and to suit your processing environment.
All our AMF promise excellent natural flavour, and reliably consistent high quality.
Partners in enriching your business
Our mission is to share our expertise to enrich your business and inspire new ideas. We have our feet on the ground in your markets, and keep you ahead of the latest trends through our ongoing research, sensory profiling, consumer studies and scientific data. Add our readiness to collaborate and the sprinkle of imagination and creativity we bring to all our work, and you have a recipe for success.

How we can support
your business
We offer peer-to-peer support at every stage, from the first inkling of an idea through to testing your end product with your target audience.